GRE Preparation – Tips to Mastering the GRE

There is perhaps no other test that is as popular as GRE because over 700,000 people take it every year. The reason there are so many takers of GRE is because of wide acceptance of the exam among students all over India.

What exactly is the GRE?

The graduate record exam tests you on developed skills in English and Math, so just knowing basics is not enough; A Multi Stage Test, it is very similar to a Computer adaptive test in that, based on a student’s response to an item (E.g. previous question), the next item (question) changes and is selected from a pool of questions (different from a paper based test, which is linear and all questions are fixed), but it differs from it in the respect that based on how you are doing on specific set of items, i.e. a section (that has multiple questions), the difficulty of the next section(s) is adapted.

GRE can be broken down into three logical groups: verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning and analytical writing. For the verbal reasoning section, test takers have two 30-minute periods to answer two sets of 20 questions. Test-takers answer two sets of 20 quantitative reasoning questions, with 35 minutes to answer each set. For analytical writing test takers need to write two essays each in 30 minutes. In order to score good marks in GRE, you will have to make some serious efforts. These tips will help.

Get to know Pythagoras

The Greek mathematician gave us too many wonderful things, but the most useful are his contribution to geometry. Brush up on your Pythagoras and dust off your high school mathematics.

Fall in love with your dictionary

The English tests are far more complicated than Math, so if you thought you knew enough English, think again because GRE preparation is a reality check that makes students uncomfortable. Scoring good marks in GRE for English takes more than cramming through study materials, start early in college and adds to your vocabulary in small installments. But wait, the test went through a change in 2011, and since then, the focus on vocabulary has reduced considerably (new components have been added to the verbal section such as sentence equivalence & mixed text completion), so while Vocabulary remains important, crammers cannot expect to cram words and their meanings and sail through the verbal section of the test.

Grab a Book

There is no downside to picking up a book and learning a few things at a time and adding to your current knowledge base. There will be dozens of them in every book shop, you can learn more about useful books for GRE preparation by talking to your instructor.

Keep Practising

There are paid tests and then there are unpaid tests that students can take. At the end of each test scores are provided that help students assess their strength and weaknesses. Continue taking the test as long you feel the need for it.

GRE preparation takes more than a smile and if you are serious about cracking it, begins by enrolling for a tutorial course for GRE.